Friday, 21 June 2013

Come to sunny Skarżysko!

Rejów Lake, Skarżysko-Kamienna
Rejów Lake peering through the trees from Skałka
Sunny morning! It's going to be another hot day! There are many nice places around Skarzysko-Kamienna, where you can spend a hot summer day, and they are getting more attractive, I'm told. This year I haven't yet been to any of the man-made lakes that are scattered around, along with the forests. Imagine going to relax by the water today. In Skarżysko you have a choice of going to Rejow, Bernatka, Mostki, Piachy or Blizyn. You can find a spot in the forest; by the river in Bor has been our family's favourite one for decades. I can't wait till my knee improves and I can go biking to all these places. For now I can try and dig out a few old pictures....

I remember when I was teaching English at a Skarzysko school, I asked my students to adapt a tourist slogan for the poster from the coursebook  ("BLUEPRINT 1" it was) to encourage people to visit our town. The text sounded  more or less like that:

'Come to sunny Skarzysko, where the beaches are sandier, the waters are cleaner and the people are friendlier! Enjoy this or that! Have fun visiting that or this! Skarzysko is a great place for a holiday!' 

Many laughed sarcastically, but when I show my friends pictures of the forest, meadows, rivers and lakes, they say it's a nice place for a relaxing break. Those who come here, want to come back! 
Regarding this homework, I remember one student who made a brilliant effort preparing this or a similar task. That particular student wasn't the most hard working one at my classes. Like many others then, he would always made an impression that he only valued his private tuition, not the obligatory and free school classes. Rarely would he bother to do the homework or pay attention to what we were doing at the lesson. Then, he didn't do well at the final exam which resulted in a low grade. I still remember that situation... I know he is and has been a smart lad, but his answers were barely satisfactory. Well... For me grade giving was a big dilemma. How to do it fairly? I did my very best to evaluate each student's work according to the results of their learning,as well as the effort they put into acquiring the knowledge, taking into account their abilities and predispositions, and expecting to learn what we we did in class, not boast about their costly private lessons only few parents could afford. That's another vast topic... 





Heavy rain has come around 7 pm this evening which prevented me from sitting on my balcony saying good night to the longest day of the year. I opened a saved link about the new painting exhibition in Kielce:,1,5539692,region-wiadomosc.html, then I looked for some pictures taken at a gallery in Lodz last November. Yes, that's the same artist exhibiting in Kielce now. That's the proof:
And here are the pictures of his works I took in Lodz:

If I remember well it was the last day of the exhibition organised in celebration of his artistic output and his 91st birthday! Congratulations!

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