Monday 30 December 2013

Hide & seek!

Going out this sunny afternoon, I decided to replace the usual backpack with a shoulder bag and take only necessary items including the flat keys, telephone and an oyster card. Outside, reaching for the phone, I discovered the keys were nowhere to be found in the bag. My clothes had no pockets. That meant we were locked out. It was most disturbing as I was absolutely sure I removed the oyster card and the keys from the backpack and put both items in the zipped pocket of my bag. Anyway, I quickly phoned one of the neighbours with our spare set of keys asking her to let us in. Amazed, she told me that exactly the same thing had happened to her earlier in the day. So we got in, but I couldn't find my keys. Then we eventually set off. On our return I made a thorough search for the missing set. No luck. Nowhere were they to be seen. A hopeless case. We were puzzled. I unlocked the door on our return the previous night and as always, put them in the backpack. I was convinced that I took the keys out of the backpack along with the oyster card and put them in the zipped pocket. We checked the bag many times, thoroughly. Where was the set of keys????
Having once more opened and searched all the pockets of the bag, I grabbed it by the top flap to put it away. That moment my fingers sensed a strange shape. There they were, the naughty keys. They somehow found their way to the top part of he pocket, above the zip and quietly sat there all the time!

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