Sunday 12 February 2017

Nocturnal walk in the Creffield Area

 Going back home one evening and not in a hurry, I took pictures to share with you, Dear Reader, the sights on my way.

Creffield Road leads east  from Ealing Common, parallel to the main through-fare: Uxbridge Road. Along with the residents of a few other Edwardian roads in the area, people in Creffield Road can join a local residents association called

Creffield Area Residents Association 

or CARA for short. I promised myself to join them after a very interesting meeting I attended at CARA last year.

Where did this shopping trolley come from?;-)
I don't think I'd noticed this fence before. That night it looked really special.
Then I looked ahead and saw this wall. Don't these two pictures make a nice pair?

Us Poles are everywhere!

When was the last time you posted a letter?

One of my favourite streets, mostly because I really like birch trees with their elegant white bark.

Stained glass, no better time than an evening to see its full glory! I happen to know three fantastic stained glass artists here, in Acton! We are so lucky here!
I can tell you the names of Maya Stanic and Zoe Ann's offhand, but I cannot recall the third one. Maybe Zoe will prompt me. I must remember to ask her.:-)

One day I will take a really good picture of this tree!

When I go past a house like this, I wonder who originally lived there, what  they did and if they were happy.

 Many people in Ealing have heard or read about a house which had such tragic history that after a number of suicides there nobody wanted to live there and it had to be pulled down. The men working there would talk about some disturbing experiences and nasty smells at the time. There is a multi-family dwelling in its place. Do I want to know how it feels living there now? No! Would you, Dear Reader?

Nice colour combination?

Shame my pictures are such poor quality indeed, but still, I enjoy taking them.

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