Friday, 30 November 2012

St Andrew's Day sky

I looked out of the window this morning and immediately thought of poor martyr, St Andrew. Then, on starting the computer, I knew for sure - it is St Andrew's Day, patron saint of Scotland. As the legend has it, he chose to be crucified on an X-shaped cross, finding himself too humble to die the way the one he followed did.That makes me think of pretty Queen Ann Boleyn, who gave birth to to the first of reigning Elisabeths, but fell out of her virile husband's favours and was sent on a one-way trip to see the Tower lions. She was granted a privilege: to be beheaded with a sword, not a brutal axe!

I could enjoy more of the sunny sky on the way to get my knee looked at and then to work, just a leap from South Ken Station!

 Actually, a fortune had to be invested in the examination, but to my luck, it could all be done straightaway, not in a vague future when the damage gets more severe. During the specialist test I went through, just as I was put flat on a special bed and the leg placed in a kind of, what to call it? troth ;-)))), and I was to be left there for over twenty minutes, out of the blue and uninvited, a big, fat black black fly emerged from somewhere in the room and leisurely hovered above me, 'immobilised' in the whole complicated futurist-style equipment. The man who was looking after me seemed a bit embarrassed, but on the insects next appearance admitted, that it had been the third one they had there and had no clue where they came from.
Two hours later I was back in the sunshine, enjoying a typical street scene.
 Warned by the doctor not to overdo walking I caught a bus to South Ken and took a picture of The Natural History Museum just as we were turning right.

 After the renovation, the former Grosvenor hotel is no longer red and has a different name, starting with "A". Maybe, not to be associated with the death of radiation poisoned spy a few years ago....

 When I left work it was dark and rather 'Christmassy", with the trees illuminated as usual, outside The Natural History Museum.

 By The V&A front wall somebody has left Big Ben on the pavement.

 This immense piece of green glass work in the entrance hall always makes me a bit uneasy. What if it falls?

 It was very crowded in the entrance area, people waiting, queuing for tickets or drinks, hanging around. I quickly ventured towards the Fashion Gallery and snapped the dress in the style I would draw as a little girl.

 You can see a few more items in the V&A fashion collection:

Quite surprisingly, I managed to meet and catch up with a few friends and, got a lift home from one, which was jolly nice!

Good night!

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