Monday, 19 November 2012

Waking up in London!

A friend has just asked me how the weather in London was compared to Poland and I must say, it was much colder last night when I  was going home from the airport. This morning the sky is grey, but has some tiny blueish gaps to the south. It can't be bad as the ginger cat is on her post lazily watching the world go by, as she does.

Travelling by bus I couldn't help overhearing a woman talking on the phone about the atrocious living conditions in her rented abode. She didn't even want to go back there as there were rats running around and she even saw baby rats. Her complaints to the landlord fall on deaf ears. Not enviable....
As I was walking back to my nice, cozy, but a bit overloaded flat, I had a feeling of being watched. Then I looked up and noticed an eye hiding in the tree:

If fallen leaves were gold...

I was too much in a hurry to photograph the cat or the mushrooms in the morning, but they were still there at lunchtime!

Far more leaves under than on the trees at the moment. Soon they'll all be down and none up...

Good night!

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