When peddling along Kopernika Street, I eventually found myself in the cornfields and stopped to take a picture of cornflowers in the cornfield, a rare sight nowadays. I remember the pretty blue flowers in the cornfields from the times of my childhood. I loved making wreaths or bouquets of them when staying with my grandparents in the summer.
In order to get to Skarzysko-Koscielne, I had to cross the railroads. I took a shortcut through the level crossing which is not really meant for ordinary road users, I suppose. However, for me it was very fortunate, because I could get a closer look at a proper old-style dugout.
'Ziemianki', that is dugouts like the one below, were very common in the past. They served as storage facilities. Villagers used them to keep potatoes and other food supplies.
Milk is being produced directly from grass:
Some pretty wild flowers:
The Kamienna River between Łyżwy and Posadaj:
My bike by the river:
A cottage in Skarżysko-Kościelne:
Chasing the hen was doomed to failure:
Skarzysko-Kamienna railway station area was an object of my pictures today.
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