Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Today's cartoon in The Independent caught my attention as it touches really valid issues: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/the-daily-cartoon-8117874.html?action=gallery. What is happening to the old in our society? What goes into our food? It's probably not as bad as the cartoon suggests, but does it stand for a consolation???

It's late in the evening and I am back from Dartmouth House in Mayfair having attended a lecture by Professor David Crystal on a very interesting topic: 'The future of global English - coping with culture'. The event was organised by The British Council in partnership with The English Speaking Union which has its premises at the  mentioned and shown above, Grade II listed building:

Good night!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You needn't have removed this comment, Pawel. No, I haven't got any profits from this blog (maybe yet), but it gives me some enjoyment. I keep encouraging you to add a comment immediately after reading the post, because I think this can help you improve your English and also encourage interacting with others who care to visit my blog. English is not my first language either and I'm not hiding it. I'm still a both a teacher and a learner and I value it, because I know both sides of the story. Before I started the blog, I emailed a lot of pictures and shared my thoughts with many who I thought of as my friends, but now they can just come here and interact through comments. Many of my friendships originate from years of my EFL teaching and this simple blog is meant to be a platform of communication through the language that connected us in the first place. I hope this is clear now and look forward to your reply here.:-)


    1. Thank you for reply to my deleted comment!
      I like your blog very much and I promise to signalize my presence here more often. This post was a stupid joke.

      And now a bit about cartoon - In my opinion it's really not necessary for people to eat meat. I think is even a way to change the world to better place to live.
      I don't touch dead animals from 4 years and it's quite fine - i still have my teeth and hair :)


    2. Well... Indeed, I found your quickly vanished comment a bit malicious, especially that it came from a friend who has known me for a good while. If that's a friend's line of thought, I must be accused of making a fortune by a few others! It's not a novelty to me, but let's leave it in the books. Yes, somehow, to many nowadays, if something doesn't bring financial profit, you don't get involved. Do and you are suspicious!
      And I do not mean that friends should only stroke us nicely and not criticise. Fair criticism is welcome. A stab in the back, less so. Enjoy the day, Pawel!:-)

    3. I'm sorry. I feel guilty of my joke about money and fame because of your blog.

      Maybe I'm a live example of today's system. Hmmm... I see some connections to the cartoon - today's system of an unqualified profits is a reason of the last Hourse Meat Gate and can bring us to cartoon's reality as well.

      So, it's better do not eat meat :)

    4. ...I feel guilty about...
      ...of unqualified profits...
      ...Horse Meat Gate...
      ...cartoon reality...
      ...it's better not to eat meat...
