Friday, 22 February 2013

Time kerfuffle

This morning I managed to leave home an hour too early and was surprised my friend wasn't waiting for me as agreed. How weird, I thought, she is always on time....  I waited a bit longer and then phoned her only then to discover my mistake. That was not a bad thing, actually. I earned the extra time to go back for a coffee with a delicious muffin. Then I made a second attempt to brave the exterior.

At noon I had to take the least wanted seat: a dentist's chair. Luckily, it was a minor thing and no pain was involved. When the doctor went away for a moment, I took a picture through the window:

 When I was a little kid, the surgery wasn't here and there were no blocks of flats and parking lots around, just detached houses with little gardens. Few people had cars. There were cobbled streets, gravel and dirt roads and very few tarmac ones.

I'm adding a picture of this house plant as my granny had a huge one like that. Once I saw it blossom. It was amazing.

 By the time I returned home, the amount of the white stuff had doubled:

Good night! :-)

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