Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Snow white hometown

The piano at Heathrow Airport was just standing there lonely and silent, unlike the ones we saw at St Pancras International last weekend:

Getting to the airport gave me a bit of stress, there were some problems on the Heathrow branch. Once I got there, everything went smoothly and I could peacefully finish my bottle of Evian water by the piano pictured above. I was hoping to see someone come and make some use of the instrument... 

 What a difference! Stress-free boarding BA aircraft! No squabble over seats and luggage. Then, after an uneventful flight from the sunny London I arrived in the snowy and cold Warsaw to be picked up by a friend with a car.

 The first leg of the journey home, no more than five miles, took us over two hours as we hit the afternoon traffic.

 We could drive a bit faster afterwards, but it took ages before we said good bye to the airport zone and not until we left the outskirts of Warsaw could we head home faster, not at the frustrating broken down snail speed.

Finally, I caught a glimpse of the familiar view from the window:

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