Has it happened to you? I went to collect the knee medication, which I'm to take daily for another seven months. The price turned out to be higher than anticipated, so I was glad it was possible to pay by card. However, twice I got the PIN wrong and couldn't risk the third attempt. I knew all the digits, but I just couldn't get the sequence right, tried twice and had to resign, or the card would get blocked. That wouldn't make things easy.... And then the pharmacist asked me how much cash I had on me and on hearing that I had most of the sum due, she told me I could take the medics and bring her the remaining amount of money when convenient, after the weekend. Of course, I'm not a complete stranger to the lady, I do my pharmacy shopping there, but still, she had no obligation to show me that much trust. Maybe being on crutches helps as well... However, I am really tired of it and my wrists and hands are even more so.
In the mishmash which this blog is, you will not be surprised to come across this link:
http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/music-from-the-western-front . You may like to read and/or listen to some touching music and biographies of their composers. Enjoy!
How many synonyms of mishmash could you come up with if you tried? (That's a question for those of you who try different things to improve their English. There will be no special prize from me. You would do it for yourself, right?)
However, here is one of my favourite, unprepared shots. I looked through the window and was captivated by this sight:
That's the first of a few snaps I took with my phone. Nice?
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