Friday, 31 May 2013

One flew into my nest!

I've just had a most unexpected visitor! It arrived through the half open balcony door when I was in the other part of the flat. I thought the noises came from the balcony, but then the sounds became rather alarming so I grabbed the crutches and transferred myself into the room to see that the bird was actually indoors, making frantic efforts to get out through the closed windows. I dropped the crutches and after a while managed to catch the terrified bird, and then couldn't help portraying the trespasser with my little phone camera before setting it free:

Then I had to clear the mess. I thought that for some reason in pecked on my laptop screen, maybe thinking it was a way out. Fortunately, the dear neighbour who came with most appreciated provisions, determined through scratching the said screen that that the little white specks were removable. Now I must put away the supplies!

Now you know why I wrote about the blessing of having friends!


  1. Pigeon pie !

    1. Pigeon pie? Well, I'm not a pigeon plucker, and not even pheasant plucker's mom or son from the popular tongue twister song:
      Thanks for the suggestion though.:-)

  2. I have tidied the art room, ready to work . . .
    Maybe a picture of the pigeon and the pie )))))

    1. Excellent! You are welcome to publish the still life here! :-)
