Sunday 28 September 2014

Country and town, yes, in this order! And forest plus lake!

I said good bye to Lodz on Saturday and went to visit my relations in the country.

Our drive from Lodz was slowed down when we were passing by a crashed car. There police cars and fire engines...

I think this picture was taken in Lask, we were turning left towards Szczercow, like the red car ahead of us:

Central Poland is rather flat and there are still many fields:

Belchatow Mine changed the character of the area for ever:


Auntie Jasia awaited us with a signature traditional Polish meal: chicken noodle soup and chicken fillet in breadcrumbs with potatoes and 'mizeria' - cucumber salad Polish style: thinly sliced cucumber served with sour cream, salt and pepper, and  'kompot' - fruit drink to follow. Coffee and homemade cakes were served upstairs by Agnieszka, my cousin's wife. Then came another Agnieszka, my cousin, with the cake she made followed by her mother with a kind of chocolate brownie. What a feast!

Later, we visited Auntie Basia,the one who knows a lot about the family and local history, loves flowers and has a fierce dog. How come there is so much aggression in such a small canine body???

The cornfields behind the house have been replaced by some pine and birch trees. I found three wild mushrooms under the trees; see one of them below:
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I wanted to stay longer in this bucolic setting.

However, it was time to travel back. Given a lift, I caught a coach in Piotrkow Trybunalski and got home by 9 pm.

Piotrkow is a historic town. Here are a few pictures taken through a coach window that prove it:
Skarzysko greeted me with sunny weather on Sunday morning. I went cycling once a kind neighbour pumped some air into the tyres of my bike. Long live the neighbours!

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Going back home I stopped at the fountain on the corner of Norwida and Sikorskiego Street:

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