Monday 23 December 2013

Tle last mughal and the last king

I've come across this article by William Dalrymple, you may find it worth reading. Several years ago I attended an event with this writer and historian at The British Museum or The British Library, can't recall it now. Mr Dalrymple talked about his then newly published book: 'The Last Mughal'. Of what I can understand, the circumstances,events and the silhouette of the portrayed mughal show some analogy to those that brought about the fall of Poland and its last king: Stanisław August Poniatowski. Yet another proof that history likes to repeat itself... And then, should you have the time and be willing, you can listen to Allan Watts' 'The Bible, Man and Society' and ponder over his thoughts on the topic.
The wind today is ferocious, really. I wish I didn't have to go out...


  1. Very interesting lecture Joanna. Thank you for writing about it. I am going to listen to these lectures...

    The discombobulated reader

    1. I am most glad to learn that you found it of some interest, especially at this time of the year when everybody seems to be forgetting about everything that is not the festive season related. :-)
