Thursday 15 May 2014

Hide & seek with an Oyster Card. Knightsbridge bench.

It is late and I may not yet again be able to write much here and now. The day was good, despite a panicky start. When I got near the tube station going to South Ken, I couldn't find my Oyster Card.I went back to the nearest bus stop, dug through my backpack and purse, no luck. I decided to walk home, convinced that the card was in the pocket of my coat I wore yesterday. On the way home I was trying to take out the house keys, couldn't find them either. Feeling panicky, I called a friend and the situation became more bearable. The key was where it should be, how I couldn't find it straightaway will remain a mystery. At home I jumped to the coat, checked the pockets. No trace of my Oyster Card. Then started yet another systematic search. What a relief it was when I discovered the card in the very pocket of my backpack where it normally belongs. It was very, happily clinging to the little metal box with some cards.
Where to eat your lunch in Knightsbridge if you don't fancy sitting in the back office when it's sunny and warm? I took mine and searching for a place to sit and have it, walked along Beauchamp Place, supposedly the world's most unique and famous shopping street, where the royalty and celebrities shop. They may have been there today, I won't tell you, because I wouldn't really recognise most of them. I don't think they mind.;-)
Where the street ended, I turned left and after a short walk Fortune smiled to me: I saw an empty bench by the entrance of a church. I couldn't afford to soak in the atmosphere of the rich neighbourhood, my lunch breaks are timed. Being in the fresh air made a great change. My seat was shadowed by the church so I didn't worry about loosing my pale complexion. Soon I was joined by a young man in a suit and we chatted pleasantly while enjoying the moment. Most impressively, he took out a lunch box filled with really trendy healthy stuff: lots of various green salad leaves, lentils, green veggies and some hummus. It felt really nice to be there and share the time of rest and relaxation.
No pictures to illustrate this memory, but below are a few from the way home along Brompton Road:

There were many nice encounters during the day. I helped two Brazilian women call their London friends, with little luck though as I couldn't reach her on any of the numbers they had in an address book. However, real fun was advising a woman who was trying on a Dolce & Gabbana jacket. I hope she will soon have finished her website and I will be able to see her recent fabric designs.
When I got out of the tube home after work, I went straight to the gym as planned. Unfortunately, only half-hour swim could I fit in this evening. Better luck next time.
The sunset sun photographs of Ealing Broadway are below:

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