Tuesday 20 August 2013

Skarzysko - draught, Manila - flood...

I can't remember when it rained here, in Skarzysko, this summer. Not sure if it did this month. However, when biking through the countryside, I can still see the traces of the June deluge here and there. I have just read about a flood in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Terrible... Yes, I experienced the dense rains in this city. You get soaked in no time. Entrepreneurial locals run around everywhere with bunches of large simple umbrellas for sale. We bought one on two occasions. They weren't very durable, but did the task. I shall always remember from this visit the immense kindness, friendliness and cheerfulness of the people who often have nothing but a plastic bag hanging on a tree branch holding all their belongings.

Here are a few pictures from a visit to Manila in March 2011:

A view from the hotel room:

Luxury ends on the doorstep. Then, if you are leaving on foot, not in a car, you walk among people actually living on the streets, sometimes you have to step over the bodies of those who are asleep. They come here from afar hoping to improve their lives. Few succeed...

Tourists rarely dare go out alone, female ones don't, as a rule. I did! I went towards the sea and along the shore to Intramuros, the walled Old Town founded by the Portuguese who brought their rule along with Christianity to the islands. They are long gone, but the faith is still strong.

Evening entertainment - local folklore evening - most enjoyable:

It was hot and humid, but never really sunny in Manila.

Crossing the street is a challenge:

Rather peculiar souvenirs from the country, they may originate in the pre-catholicised culture of the islands...

A museum cafe:

One of many churches:

It's not unlikely that I added some of these pictures before. If so, sorry. The Manila flood news made me look at the pictures again. I hope that the weather will improve soon and no more people will suffer from too much water. BTW, somebody sent me an article link that there are suggestions to control water consumption globally. Whatever next?????!!!!!

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