Monday 9 September 2013

To Hastings and Folkestone last Friday!

I guess I will start by sharing more of the seaside trip memories.

After the pub lunch we headed for Hastings to enjoy the sun by the sea. The weather looked most promising.

We watched some para-gliders in mid-air as we were driving through the countryside:

However, as it is often the case with promises and the English weather, they weren't kept. Getting closer to the seaside we could see less and less... See for yourselves:

 Driving along the seafront, you could see that you cannot see the sea...

 When we arrived in Hastings, we couldn't believe it was still sunny and warm in London, but that was the case!

There were still some people on the beach, trying to make the best of the day by the sea:

 The lift to the cliff top was working as usual. We skipped on the ride. We could easily imagine the view on a foggy afternoon!

Tiles in the doorway in the High Street, Old Hastings:

I waited a few minutes to capture the octopus letting a couple with a dog satisfy their fascination with the new object of art:

I want to ride my bicycle!!!! A friend from Skarzysko wrote me yesterday about his bike to Wąchock and a visit to the Cistersian monastery there. I miss it!!!! Another friend is planning a bike trip through South-Eastern Asia in the winter. Well, surely exciting, but a bit of a stretch for me. When my son was a young child we were thinking of cycling around Ireland when he gets bigger. Ehem... I'm afraid we've missed on that...

Not easy to spot, but I'm sure you will manage: a quite well hidden cat: 

 Leaving the sea behind we returned to the world of sunshine:

 Whizzing through Winchelsea (yeah, if you know our vehicle you will understand the joke), I recalled the day I walked there from Rye with friends. It was great!Choosing to do this hike meant we had to turn down an inviation from a man at the local museum to see his unique collection of gazunders.

Fog and drizzle greeted us again as soon as we arrived at the seaside, first in Sandgate and then in Folkestone.

Many consider this Sandgate place the best fish and chipper in the area:

We ate at The Clifton Hotel Restaurant in Folkestone, next doors to the Italian place which seems to have been still in the process of establishing itself on the English coast (do look closely):

The waiter who played the piano exclusively for us when we had delicious steak and sole earlier this year was off that evening. There was no steak on the menu either, unfortunately and the food was of an average restaurant standard, but the waiting staff imported from Spain and Lithuania was really nice.

Looks like someone else needs some spelling lessons in Folkestone.;-)

After some window shopping we could call it a day.:-)


And it's Monday afternoon and dense rain makes you think twice before you stick your nose outside...

I've been reading about the antics of Alfred Jarry who inspires my creative Swiss friend.
Ben is putting up an exhibition with a group of other internet artists in October. They are incorporating new ideas into the collaboration in the arts, if I got it right. You know what? I'm blessed to encounter all these fascinating people on my path. And, like I may have said before, to me, there is something amazing about each and every person. It doesn't always shine through straightaway!)


... It's so cold and wet today, it makes me want to hibernate.

Good night!

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