Monday 2 September 2013

To Richmond!

A hurried morning, I need to get to Richmond quickly!

Waiting for the Bus 65 I took a picture of the building famous for housing The Ealing Club in the 1960s:

A pub near Kew Bridge Station:

The Thames from Kew Bridge:

Wall of Kew Gardens:

 The Quadrant, Richmond centre:

A churchyard in Richmond:

Richmond Bus Station:

 Spot the oinker:

Proper squirrels are hard to meet in real...

Once Town Hall, now Richmond Museum and Archives:

River from Richmond Bridge:

Towards St Margarets Station:

Interesting finds at Octavia Foundation charity shop in Richmond:

Unusual French glass candle holders:

Volcanic art from Santorini:

A blue vase reduced to under 3 pounds!

I wanted a doll like these two as a little girl:

Have you ever seen an elephant chasing a chicken?

An African outfit. A lady I met told me she had plenty like this at home:

This card is for a dear friend of mine who started a new job today and may look here and see my wishes:

A biography of a coach man:-)
 Probably his parents:

 Unused trousers; not surprising, would you like to be seen in Psycho-slacks???

A piece too big to fit on the shop floor:
 There were many funky Tshirts, but the best were snatched by a clever guy who didn't give them a miss. Good for him!
 Hugo Boss, apparently!

This is a front cover  of a book which went to amuse three kids of a man who knows a lot about guitars:

I was allowed to photographs this amazing hair, uncut for eight or nine years.

To my astonishment, the next customer sported a substantial pony tail of four years and also let me take a snap:

I had lovely coffee in a comfy chair at the nearby FARA shop which is always fun to look around. The coffee came from an Italian cafeteria up Richmond Road and was prepared by a friendly Romanian barista who'd trained in Italy before coming to make coffee in Richmond!

When I returned to Octavia shop, I photographed some unusual new arrivals.

My favourite childhood book character features below along with his world traveller's suitcase:

You may like to read these 'thoughts for thought':

Soon after I took a picture of The Thames  towards Ham and Isleworth from Richmond Bridge on the way back home, my mobile phone refused cooperation, hungry for charging, just like its owner.;-)

I enjoyed the sunset sky with Heathrow bound traffic while satisfying my hunger:

And now I'm enjoying a stay-at home evening...

 The commute to Richmond was really fast, not the same about the return which was a kind of a nightmare, to be truthful. It all started when a couple and a younger man got on the bus. You could tell there would be trouble. The couple were fighting all the time, shouting, calling each other names and acting violently. The woman had an open can of beer in her hand and as they were getting pretty aggressive (she spat on his head, he nearly hit her), I moved to the front of the bus, resigning of my seat, which I needed badly after a busy working day. Surprisingly, the driver wouldn't react for a long time! You'd think he was to call the police. Finally, when things got really bad, he came up to them and very calmly asked them what the problem was. Then he open the door and let out the woman at the traffic lights just before the final stop.

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