Saturday 18 January 2014

A sign of good luck!

Two magpies were sitting in the garden this morning when I opened the blinds.

The day has been quite nice. Here is my favourite word of today:

And, if you like William M Turner as well as contemporary art, this link may inspire you to go to a seaside town of Margate one day. The artist soon exhibited alongside WMT once said:

"A really good picture looks as if it's happened at once. It's an immediate image. For my own work, when a picture looks labored and overworked, and you can read in it—well, she did this and then she did that, and then she did that—there is something in it that has not got to do with beautiful art to me. And I usually throw these out, though I think very often it takes ten of those over-labored efforts to produce one really beautiful wrist motion that is synchronized with your head and heart, and you have it, and therefore it looks as if it were born in a minute." In Barbara RoseFrankenthaler (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1975, p. 85)

Dear Wikipedia has just told me that the above mentioned late dame of US painting didn't support controversial artist like Andres Serrano. In ''2013, Serrano made a work of art called "Sign of the Times" by collecting 200 signs from homeless people in New York City, usually paying $20 for each sign. He described the work as "a testimony to the homeless men and women who roam the streets in search of food and shelter. It's also a chronicle of the times we live in."
However, by then, Helen Frankenthalter had bong been dead. It must have been Mr Serrano's earlier works, involving the use of such materials as bodily fluids and religious symbols, that she disapproved.

Askew Road Octavia shop, its customers and its goods:

Acton on a Friday night:

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