Wednesday 8 January 2014

Yousif Naser exhibits at W3 Gallery

Hereby hastily letting the world know that an art exhibition opens at W3Gallery in Acton tomorrow! An eminent friend of mine, Yousif Naser is showing his paintings there between the 9th and the 26th of January. I'm looking forward to seeing his works that have lived tucked away in his abode since he had to leave the studio in Acton giving way to the demolition of The Old Town Hall.
And may day?
Home now, after another long day in Richmond. The kettle still not working. Luckily, the till was fully operational, unlike yesterday. The commute was very slow today, each way.

Having got off the bus back in Ealing, I run into the homeless boy, the one I wrote about a moth or so ago. He still 'stations' at the nearby airport. Now he is promised to get a roof on Friday. Two more days to go... I urged him to go to the nearby hostel or shelter, but he told me there are so many homeless people, one cannot just turn up and get in. You have to be referred and wait...

When his mother returned home, she believed half and half him and his alcoholic step-dad, I learnt. And thus he stayed on the street...

Well, has really that much changed since Charles Dickens took his nightly strolls through the London slums and since George Orwell found out what it was like to be homeless in London?

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