Monday 27 January 2014

Forced whisper

Third day of forced silence on my part it is. Voice on strike! Can you imagine that?

In the 1980s there was a big hit by George Michael titled 'Careless Whisper'. How many of you, Dear Readers, can still remember it? Would you like to hear it now? If so, just click here and enjoy! Well, I cannot really tell you to enjoy or not, just experience it!
Whispering... Normally it is associated with romantic situations, telling secrets or gossiping.
It must have been romantic to dance to Careless Whisper at a discotheque,you would think. Well, to some extent indeed, it was. Ultimately, you had to shout close to the partner's ear in order to be heard. The music was pretty loud. Well, just like when you go to a pub or a club. Often you simply cannot hear what a person next to you is saying. An evening or two like that, plus the draft..and if you are not used to that, the voice is gone.
However, I didn't even go to a pub or else to earn my muteness! That's just unfair!
Whispering has been the only way I can communicate with others by means of the designated organ of speech in humans.

There is a link I shall share with you if you would like to see 'What happens when a kid leaves traditional education' , and if you have a dozen minutes to spare. Watching it reminded me of the pedagogical thought of Janusz Korczak or Rudolph Steiner. The first one organised and run orphanages for poor children in mid-war Warsaw, the other founder the famous Waldorf Schools. What the two systems have in common with the education exemplified by the boy, is - to cut things short - 'thinking outside the box. Essential, if you want to bring up an independently thinking individual.

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