Friday 15 August 2014

Caterpillar drivers

I have just seen my friend's recent post on her blog Swietokrzyskie Wloczegi. A photo of a caterpillar brought back memories from the days when I used to go hiking with with a very special little boy. When the weather was good, we would travel by bus to a nearby forest called Bor. It actually is like a large 'untamed' park with lots of paths and little roads crossing it. A river runs through it and there are several places by its bank where you can enjoy tranquility away from it all. You can find a few wild mushrooms, some blueberries, blackberries or very rare and delicious wild strawberries, and breathe in the balsamic forest air. Like many boys, he has always been into cars, so on our expeditions, he would take a few little cars,;a lorry, a digger and a tractor including. When we got to the meadow by the river, he would be happily playing with his toys while I'd be picking blackberries from the bush beside the sandy patch between the meadow and the river. (Unlike me, he has never been into fruit or mushroom picking.) Playing with cars, building things and all the boys stuff, that was his ideal childhood activity. As he needed a driver for his vehicles, he would invite a caterpillar or two to perform this role. Could they protest? I must assure you here that he was very gentle with them and after they did the job, he would let them go to mind their caterpillar business.

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