Wednesday 13 August 2014

Octavia Hill, "Great Britain" and The Barge Inn

Two ladies I met at an Octavia shop today told me that they actually live in one of the houses that Octavia Hill founded in the 19th Century and are very happy there! They can enjoy little gardens and large balconies. The first woman told me she  she has artificial glass on her balcony to make it feel cosy. A member of ... The Knitting and Crocheting Association of many years, she got excited at seeing a collection of wool in different colours. However, her enthusiasm thawed after a closer inspection. The wool turned our to be of the wrong kind: good for knitting socks only. Well, I was not really aware that there is a kind of wool for this sole purpose!
It's nice to be in touch with my dear actress friend, the original Emma Watson, now Vansittart. Her actor-husband is in 'Great Britain', a play at the National Theatre. Of course, the tickets are sold out except one or two odd ones. Pity... From Emma I picked up an expression: a hand fasting ceremony and Mr Google has made me think about a new trip: to The Barge Inn in the mystical countryside of Wiltshire, between Stonehenge and Avebury!
'The Barge Inn is world famous as a centre for the crop circle phenomenon and attracts visitors from far and wide. The ceiling in the crop circle bar is painted with an amazing mural known as the "Sistine Chapel of Wiltshire". The mural depicts all the ancient pagan sites that surround it such as Silbury Hill, Stonehenge and Avebury.'  What if we went there one day?
And a few of today's pictures:

Outside Charing Cross Hospital in Hammersmith:
 Charing Cross Hospital is in Hammersmith, Hammersmith Hospital is in Acton. That's logical, isn't it?

Fulham Broadway:

Street market in North End Road:

A bookshop at the Indian Cultural Centre:

 West Ken:

 From The District Line train home:

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