Monday 4 November 2013

November Monday: Sheen, Mortlake and Bank!

Sunny start in Ealing, the second morning headache in a row tamed, lots to do today! May it be a great Monday!
And it was a great Monday! The sun stayed with us. The colours were phenomenal. I worked with very nice people today and enjoyed a great company of friends, old and new until late in the evening. I took many pictures of street scenes, nature and artworks including some at The Royal Exchange on the way to a Toastmaster Club meeting near Bank Station.

I had a lovely chat with my namesake at a Fara shop in Sheen on the way from work. After we spoke I snapped these two pictures as they remind me of an artwork a treasured friend presented me some years ago.

That was also at Fara:
 Butchers at Sheen have a sense of humour, really. I did go in to thank them for making me laugh a few days ago, on the day when I downloaded pictures and still haven't found them...

These elephant tea-light holders are here for my Trojmiasto friend's mother to see. Greetings from London!

 After a nourishing stop for a panini and best coffee in town at Leonardo's in Sheen I headed for Mortlake Station to get to Bank in the City. The street leading to the station was new to me so I looked around and used the camera when appropriate:

 After The Pig and Whistle Pub, I spotted a Missing Foundation charity shop and its treasures:

 A shop interior:

 Another shop:

 Two snaps of a side street:

At the Waterloo and City Line platform:

On travellator at Bank, heading for Exit 6:

Having seen Hands of God, I happened to enter the gallery which displays works of art in different media. Somehow I failed to photograph another work by the same artist who made the divine hand outside the Royal Exchange. However, I enjoyed a little chat with a dark haired girl. Had we had more time,I could have learnt more about the gallery and the works it exhibits.... But you know what happened? When I saw the sculpture of an old book and learnt that the artist is Spanish and comes or lives in Barcelona, I simply had to tell her a story of our meeting with Gundabuka, an Australian artist we met in Gaudi's city when on holiday...

Enough for now! Good night!


  1. Absolutely glorious! Brilliant photographs......I feel privoleged to have been shown the colourful miracles of my amazing home-Town!

    1. What kind words, dear Anonymous! I'm delighted to learn that someone else shares the pleasure of enjoying these sights. Thank you!
