Wednesday 23 April 2014

British Council webinar

Bad news! I knocked off my computer and the screen suffered. One third of it is now showing a stripy pattern. Hence, I'm only writing on the side of the screen I can see.

The day was good, despite another morning of hellish headache. Pleasant people to work with, lunch break among beautiful garden plants, inspiring CPD seminar at The British Council ( meeting old and making new friends) near Trafalgar Square and checking out the art on display at the RA courtyard in Piccadilly:

On entering The British Council premises, I quickly took pictures of a few paintings from the institution's collection that are currently exhibited. It's like temporary exhibitions of the objects of art from Her Majesty's vast collection at The Queen's Gallery on the side of Buckingham Palace Grounds. :-)
 I believe you can read about the ceramics below in one of the pictures.

And here is Rebecca opening the seminar at Spring Gardens tonight:

Did the photograph know that he was photographed too? ;-)
 Here you can see the speaker, Urszula Clark, who later confirmed her Polish roots suspected by many because of her first name. She gave a most interesting presentation on "English, speech and society". You may like to watch it online on the BC website so I will spare you discussing it here and now. Well, you may probably not see there what was going on in the row behind me. A British man of a sound age and posture kept helping himself to the wine provided for the participants. Finally, in order not to go back and forth to fill the glass, he brought a whole bottle and not only helped himself, but generously offered it to even more strongly built gentleman beside him. Should you watch the webinar (as a transmitted live seminar is called), you may like to listen for the sounds of wine being poured....

A white horse near The Mall:

A blue cockerel in Trafalgar Square:

A building site in The Haymarket:

Tourists flock to this shop in Piccadilly:

Eros is playing hide and seek, you can't see the landmark statue these days:

Fortnum and Masons windows:

Regent Street curve:

Piccadilly Station entrance:

Many people have hear from me about an exhibition opening at W3 Gallery in Acton this Friday evening.
It will be an event of poetry, painting and music.

Here is another event recommended by a friend:

Should be fun and the cause is good.

That reminds me of a busker I saw descending into the depths of the tube at Piccadilly tonight. He played the guitar and did so very well, to my estimation. I went past him, but then stopped, dug out a quid and returned to throw into his guitar case.

It's a day later when I can publish my last night's post. Owing to my fantastic friend's guidance, I managed to get access to the Publish key on my broken screen! Thank you big way!

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