Saturday 19 April 2014

Biking. Painting class. 24-hour plays!

First of all I need to wish everybody a Happy Easter time!

Today I made a good use of the bike. I hopped on it and  managed to get to Yousif Naser's painting class.

 It was great! Can't write more now, it's getting late.

There is a cafe at The Acton Pavillion where the painting classes are held. I spoke to a girl who works there and was very impressed how mature she sounded. Then she revealed her age to me and then my astonishment shifted focusing on her incredibly young looks. No picture of her, sorry.;-)

I thought I'd add a picture of the houses between North Acton and West Acton stations. I passed them going to and fro.
Then off  I went to The Questors Theatre to see something out of the ordinary, plays written last night, rehearsed today and soon on stage!The evening was a true theatrical fest . '24-Hour Plays' was jaw-dropping! Can you believe it? The seven plays we saw hadn't existed 24 (and 15 minutes) hours before being staged in front of the full house. How come? The playwrights took part in a draw at 7.45 pm the night before. Each of them drew an object that was to be a prop in the short play they were to produce overnight. During the day the plays were rehearsed, or shall I say: were being rehearsed to reflect the truth?  Then, with a 15-minute delay which allowed members of the audience to get drinks at The Grapevine Bar (conveniently run by The Questors volunteers) the show started.  My colleague's play was the second of the four before the interval.  A Roman shield was his prop. David did an astonishing job. Believe it or not, this ingenious man wrote the play, directed it and even played in it. And all that after a long day at work! I simply had to document him on stage:

I'm so glad I went to The Questors this evening!
Going home I stopped at Christ Church and tuned into the Easter mode returned home.

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